St Hildegard founds the monastery at Eibingen and heals a blind boy in Rüdesheim [detail] 1907-1913
The Abbey Church of St Hildegard. Eibingen
"[T]he church was consecrated on September 7th, 1908. Between 1907 and 1913 the interior of the church was painted, a project led by Fr Paulus Krebs (1849-1935) of Beuron, a student of the famous artist-monk Fr Desiderius Lenz (1832-1928), the founder of the Beuron School of Art.
The abbey church at Eibingen is considered his most important work and one of the best complete compositions of the Beuron School of Art. The Abbey Church of St Hildegard was modelled on the old basilicas in the Romanesque style. ...
The paintings in the arches of the northern (left) side wall of the nave are dedicated to the Abbey's patron, St Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179). As Fr Paulus Krebs considered himself the "painter of St Hildegard", the paintings were executed with a special love and devotion. ...
[The paintings] are not painted in a historically realistic way, but rather stylised, as a sign that the artist was not concerned with historical religious painting, but with symbolic character and its message of faith."
From the website of The Abbey Church of St Hildegard. Eibingen
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