Trinity c. 1411
Tempera on panel
Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
The Web Gallery of Art has the following commentary on this Icon:
"This icon of the Trinity was painted by Andrei Rublyov for the Trinity Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.
This icon is a masterpiece of ancient Russian iconography, and the Church established it as the model for depicting the Trinity.
In Andrei Rublyov’s icon, the persons of the Holy Trinity are shown in the order in which they are confessed in the Creed. The first angel is the first person of the Trinity - God the Father; the second, middle angel is God the Son; the third angel is God the Holy Spirit.
All three angels are blessing the chalice, in which lies a sacrificed calf, prepared for eating. The sacrifice of the calf signifies the Saviour’s death on the cross, while its preparation as food symbolises the sacrament of the Eucharist.
All three angels have staffs in their hand as a symbol of their divine power. "
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