Giudizio Universale, (1260-70)
Battistero di San Giovanni
In the mosaic in the baptistry in Florence, Christ is seated in judgment, and with a dignified gesture signifying his acceptance of the redeemed, whilst rejecting the condemned. His face is more that of the man of sorrows than of the glorified and triumphant Saviour.
The depiction of Hell is reminiscent of the works of the Flemish painter Hieronymus Bosch (c. 1450 - August 9, 1516).
Coppo di Marcovaldo drew the cartoons on which the mosaics are based.
Under the mosaics, Dante Alighieri was baptised as were most of the Medici family and other famous Florentines.
Dante Alighieri (May 14/June 13, 1265 – September 13/14[1], 1321) grew up looking at these mosaics and these images of death, resurrection, heaven and hell would have had an impact on him, as it would on other Florentines.
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