Archbishop Georges Darboy (January 16, 1813 - May 27, 1871), archbishop of Paris was among a group of prominent hostages executed as the Paris Commune of 1871 was about to be overthrown
At the First Vatican Council he strongly opposed the dogma of papal infallibility, against which he voted as inopportune. When the dogma had been finally adopted, however, he was one of the first to set the example of submission
On April 4, 1871, he was arrested by the communards as a hostage and confined in the prison at Mazas, from which he was transferred to La Roquette
On 24 May he was shot within the prison
He is buried in Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris.
The imprisonment of the Archbishop horrified the whole of Europe.
The American Ambassador to Paris attempted to mediate but in vain.
Below are extracts from The Times of the period. The first passage is about the attempt by the American ambassador at mediation.
The second is The Times` description of the Archbishop`s horrible and violent death.
The third is his obituary.
The extracts can be magnified to be read.

The American Ambassador`s Visit to Archbishop Darboy

The Times`s account of the Murder of Archbishop Darboy

Two of my favourite things....fine paintings and fine sentences.....and both seen with the sweet and sane loving point of view of the one Church on it's knees in adoration. Many thanks for not being idle. I am your best ever audience.